Monday, December 23, 2019

Same Sex Marriages Essay - 1773 Words

Same Sex Marriages Introduction From the day we are born to the day that we die the one thing EVERYONE is looking for is that one person that they could spend the rest of their lives with. Each person dreams about their one true love, someone they can marry, have a family with and live happily ever after. We were all taught this at a very young age watching the adults around us, and Disney movies about finding our prince charming, but what if you fall in love with someone you never expected? What if it was even someone of the same sex? In the state of Texas gay marriage is illegal and we need to change this. According to â€Å"Should Gay Marriage Be Legal?† as of, â€Å"March 1, 2012 eight states (Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New†¦show more content†¦Everyone should be able to be the person they want to be. †Should Gay Marriage Be Legal?† includes, â€Å"The UCLA Law School estimated the positive economic impact of legalizing gay marriage in New Jersey to be $248 million over three years, creating 800 new jobs and bringing in an additional $19 million in government revenues†(ProCon3). Also includes that, â€Å"Gay marriages can bring financial gain to state and local governments. Revenue from gay marriage comes from marriage licenses, higher income taxes (so called marriage penalty) and decreases in costs for state benefit programs the Comptroller for New York City found that legalizing gay marriage would bring $142 million to the city’s economy and $184 million to the states economy over three years† (ProCon4). These are showing the benefits we can achieve as a whole by accepting same-sex marriages. Then again there are many people that oppose same-sex marriage whether it is because of their religious beliefs, morality or them truly only thinking about themselves. â€Å"New Tune for Gay Marriage Fight† notes that, â€Å"Groups opposed to gay marriage have largely followed the same script, arguing that traditional marria ge provides children with the most ideal parenting environment. They also argue that the issue is not one of civil rights because homosexuality, they say, is a choice† (Lopez). I honestly believe that homosexuality isShow MoreRelatedSame Sex Marriage And Marriage948 Words   |  4 PagesSame-sex marriage and same-sex parenting are comparatively new controversial topics in today’s world and its â€Å"mainstream† morality. I was not exposed to any homosexual â€Å"lifestyle† while growing up. I know that I am strongly traditional in my theological views, nevertheless, I vigorously believe that traditional marriage and parenting are devotional commitments between a man and a woman. Therefore, same-sex marriage and parenting are to me, issues of a society with strong traditional cultural identitiesRead MoreSame Sex Marriage754 Words   |  4 Pages 11/8/06 Argument Essay Same-Sex Marriage: Not a Match for Society Marriage, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is â€Å"the legal relationship into which a man and a woman enter with purpose of making a home and raising a family† (358).Although most people in the United States, including myself, agree on that definition, there are a select few who do not. Some feel same-sex marriage should be legalized; I disagree! I disagree because of its effects on children, its unnaturalness, and its religious immoralityRead MoreSame Sex Marriage1418 Words   |  6 PagesGay Couples Should Have the Same Rights As Married Couples Professor PHI 210 June 6, 2013 Same-sex marriage is a topic that has become increasingly more debatable throughout time. America has been said to be the â€Å"land of the free,† but when it comes to homosexual couples, it is far from that. If same-sex marriage was legalized, many positive outcomes could emerge from it; the society would be closer to equality, adoption would increase, gained social support for families would developRead Moreno to same-sex marriage!894 Words   |  4 Pageseverything builds up. I Corinthians 10:23 Against Same Sex Marriage - The Six Point Case Each of these six points against same sex marriage will be explained in detail in the following articles. Click on each link for more explanation. Natural marriage is the foundation of a civilized society. Homosexual behavior is inherently destructive. The law is a great teacher, and it encourages or discourages behavior. Government-backed same-sex marriage would encourage and normalize homosexual behaviorRead MoreSame-Sex Marriage 962 Words   |  4 Pagescaucasian because of laws passing interracial marriages around the 20th century due to Loving V. Virginia (Melina Patria). By the 1960s, the women’s rights movement was in full motion switching male and female roles drastically(Human right’s watch). The home may have no longer been spacious and big with the stock market crash of 1929(First Member Century). Its 2013 and there may be another possible alteration; same sex marriage. Even though same sex marriage may be a sensitive issue with people, as aRead MoreSame Sex Marriage1152 Words   |  5 PagesBiological Sex-Marriage: â€Å"An Alteration to Humanity† Submitted by: Ellicia Jiona Candelaria Submitted to: Mrs. Joan Bataclan ABSTRACT Biological Sex-Marriage: â€Å"An Alteration to Humanity† This study describes the advantages and also the disadvantages of couples of the same sex being married. It aims to explore how it affects the society and most importantly the church. Same-sex marriage, popularly known as gay marriage, is a socially or legally reorganized wedlock between two persons of similarRead MoreSame Sex Marriage884 Words   |  4 PagesSame Sex Marriage Is the definition of marriage being threatened in the United States? President Bill Clinton signed the federal Defense of Marriage Act into law on September 21, 1996. This Act defined marriage at the federal level as between a man and a woman. The federal DOMA statute ensured that no state would be forced to recognize gay marriages performed in other states and prevented same-sex couples from receiving federal protections and benefits given to married heterosexual couples. OnRead MoreSame Sex Marriage990 Words   |  4 PagesSupporters of gay marriage argue around the concept of equality in America. Our country is said to be found on the principle that all men are created equal, so that make it hypocritical to deny the rights of homosexuals, as it was hypocritical to deny freedom to African Americans or to prohibit women s suffrage. Supporters also believe that Gays should be allows the same benefits as regular married couples. For instance, only through marriage do same sex couple s have the rights to their partnerRead MoreSame Sex Marriage1120 Words   |  5 PagesSame sex marriage has been a topic on the rise throughout the U.S. It is what some of us may consider one of the more important topics of discussion for this time period. So far 17 states out of 50 have declared same sex marriage legal (States, 2013). Same sex marriage should be legal throughout the U.S. because same sex couples have a civil right to get married, along with a right to have access to the same benefits as heterosexual couples, and to be treated as equals without fear of discriminationRead MoreSame-sex Marriage604 Words   |  2 Pages in the media, same sex marriage has been widely discussed and debated. Some feel it should be legalized, while others believe that it is a sin and should remain illegal. Their are many pros and cons on both sides of this argument, however there are main points leading to why gay marriage should be legal. Legalizing gay marriage will not harm heterosexual marriages or family values, and society will continue to function normally. This is a true statement, because when two people get

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Into the Wild and Walden Free Essays

After reading Walden, by Henry D. Thoreau and watching the movie titled, Into The Wild, written by Sean Penn, I realized how similar and different both main characters were. Christopher McCandless, the main actor in the movie and, Henry D. We will write a custom essay sample on Into the Wild and Walden or any similar topic only for you Order Now Thoreau, the author and main character in Walden, share many things in common however, their views on the world and motives for going on their journeys are very different from one another. These two men share complex views on life and how one should live that life. They differ in regards to how they deal with and go about living their lives. Thoreau and McCandles live their lives doing what they feel makes them happy. McCandless quotes Thoreau and says, â€Å"If you want something in life, reach out and grab it† (sc. 167). Both of their journeys were beneficial for them and taught them a lot about themselves. Both of these men went out on a quest to find themselves and give insight into how they define and live with technology, finding spiritual freedom, the necessities of life, and living life to its fullest, but it is these similarities shared between the two that they also contrast each other greatly. Both McCandless and Thoreau deal with the advancement of technology in their journeys. McCandless is the Henry D. Thoreau of the 1990s. What sets him apart from Thoreau is his view on technology. Thoreau states, â€Å"The nation itself, with all its so- called internal improvements, which, by the way, are all external and superficial†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (119). This statement is the opposite of McCandless‘ view. McCandless uses the advancements in technology to get to his final destination of Alaska. McCandless travels by train, which would have made Thoreau absolutely sick. Thoreau clearly expressed his iscussed for the railroads in Walden. McCandless also relies of cars and trucks as he hitch hikes across the country. Now in Thoreau’s time there were not these elaborate highways and cars but Thoreau would not have been happy about this. If Thoreau had a problem with the railroads in the 1800s then there is no doubt he would have not agreed with the way McCandless chose to get to Alaska. They both had technology that they relied on. They both love to read and write. Ink and books were both made from the advancements in technology over centuries. They also both had tools while out in the ilderness that they heavily relied on. They both had knives that they used all they time for cutting and cleaning food. Thoreau had a wheelbarrow and a spade, where as McCandless had a gun, and a handbook on, what was edible in nature. McCandless and Thoreau both went in search to find spiritual freedom and escape society. Thoreau recorded his two year experiment to express what he has learned about himself and society. McCandless also recorded his escape from society on his two year journey. They both were out in the wilderness alone for two years as they connected to the earth spiritually. Unlike McCandless, Thoreau never mentioned problems within his family in Walden. McCandless had another reason to escape society other than to find himself, he was escaping the violence and troubles presented in is everyday life at home. A voiceover of Carine, McCandless sister, comes on and says â€Å"Worse yet was that it was Marcia to whom he was still legally married at the time. And it was Chris and I who were the bastard children† (sc. 53). This shows how McCandless had so much more to leave behind than Thoreau did. This scene also give us insight into McCandless’s state of mind nd how much his life at home effected him. Thoreau states, â€Å" I left the woods for as good of a reason as I went there†¦I had several more lives to live, and could not spare any more time for that on† (426). Thoreau’s statement tells us how he just went for the purpose to get away from society and live in nature and solitude. McCandless had emotional problems brought on him by the instability of his family. Both Thoreau and McCandless lived with the necessities of shelter and durable clothing. They both had shelters that were made by man. McCandless lived in a bus out in he Alaskan wilderness, and Thoreau lived in a cabin at Walden pond. Thoreau and McCandless had to deal with the airiness of their homes. Thoreau says, â€Å"This was an airy and unflustered cabin, fit to entertain a traveling god†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (110). Thoreau however did have a functioning cabin where as, McCandess lived in a bus that was converted into a house. Thoreau had a more room to move around as well as better protection from the weather. McCandless lived in more open and colder environment than Thoreau had to. Both men also relied on their clothing to be durable and able to withstand the elements. The harshness of their living conditions required them to have warm and durable clothing. They did not have enough room in their bags to bring every item of clothing they owned. It had to be functional year round as well as strong enough to hold over a duration of two years of hunting and gathering. Thoreau had did not have as much variety of clothing to chose from as McCandless did. McCandless was born in a generation that made clothes in mass quantities and clothes were more accessible to everyone plus McCandless had his parents to buy him clothes over the years. Thoreau and McCandless were both college graduates that lived their lives to the fullest. Thoreau graduated from Harvard and McCandless graduated from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Both men were highly educated and were very knowledgeable in many aspects but prefer not to have a job. McCandless says to Mr. Franz , â€Å"I think careers are a twentieth century invention and I don’t want one. You don’t need to worry about me. I have a college education. I’m not destitute. I’m living like this by choice† (sc. 185). They both were philosophizers and knew about the uselessness of possessions. McCandless donated twenty-six thousand dollars to Oxfam, cut up his identification card, and credit cards. Thoreau however, did not give up his possessions, he just set them off to the side until his experiment was complete. McCandless lived the last two years of his life doing what he wanted and exploring nature. He died doing what he wanted to do, not what he had to do. Although Thoreau did not die during his experiment he lived his life the same way. Thoreau knew that for one to be happy, one must live their lives doing what they want. Both men lived their lives to the fullest and did what they wanted to do. McCandless and Thoreau have learned so much about themselves and about how the world works, whether its for the better or not, while out in the wild. As these two men have traveled and lived in their final destinations they have had to deal with technology, finding spiritual freedom, the necessities of life, and living life to its fullest, to make it there. Thoreau says, â€Å"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer† (430). Thoreau is saying that it does not matter how you match up to others or if you follow other people, only he or she can make their ife worth living and worth telling about. Both McCandless and Thoreau have similarities but because they are different people they also have many contrasts between them. They both benefited from their journeys and have taught us all something. The have both gained knowledge of the world and of themselves while out in the wild. They teach us that if one wants to be happy, do that which makes one happy. Their journeys are something we can all do for ourselves. And if we do go on a journey like this we wont always have the same answer for questions but will be faced with the same questions of life. How to cite Into the Wild and Walden, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Engineering Inspection free essay sample

Before 1990, they was a small but highly successful company that offers machinery and insurance services. After years of above average growth and profits, they are moving backward from the industry average, policy delivery times are excessive and morale is low. They need to change their current strategy as it is no longer effective. The issues they are facing is not only internal but also face the challenges from the external environment. Analysis and discussion Critical Operation and Strategic problems A. The increasing of employee turnover rate at 17% in 1990 is the sign of company dysfunction in EIIC. It caused the rising of sentiment of being undervalued in underwriters who feel deprived of relevant decision making power. They receive a monthly salary of $2,250 over $27,000 yearly income. The career advancement among underwriter and acquisition of the other jobs aside to the job at EIIC. At this moment, employees experience the dissatisfaction in company even the slightest can immediately resign to go for another jobs. We will write a custom essay sample on Engineering Inspection or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page B. Beside the turnover rate among employees, EIIC also realise the grow of disputes and conflicts between branch managers and the chief inspectors which is raised from the ineffective company structure. The decision was made by chief inspectors instead of bank managers ensure the certain risks. But the tasks of chief inspectors is oversee inspection activities instead of monitoring their inspection staffs. This structure is the source of internal confliction in organisation. The branch manager is responsible for the all the losses and failed goals instead of chief inspectors. Another problem is the late delivery of insurance policies. They usually complete in 14 days on the average. However, it is only able for small policies and a large policies always take at least 43 days to finish. In details 26 days for First Inspection Order to be completed, 10 days for the supervisory inspector to approve the completed FIO, 5 days to underwrite the risk after the supervisory inspectors approval, and 2 days for filling, recording data and other miscellaneous tasks. D. At last, planning and coordination of activities between engineers and inspectors are also the problem encountered in EIIC. They are making the process slower and unreliable causing the loss of teamwork and services quality. From a CEO view point, the internal problem is need to deal with first. Reducing turnover rate of employees is the most serious thing to do in order to maintain the workforce quality as they are all high level of experience and trained practical. Underwriter should be placed in more important goals and objectives in order to inspire their morale along with inspectors to improve the coordination. Secondly, the branch manager need to be given more authority and less responsible. These responsible have to be share for the chief inspectors as well as they are also involving in process. Restructure the organisation is essential to speed up the writing and submission of insurance policies but it seems to be a long-term solution for EIIC. Evaluate company pattern of decision in structural and infrastructural Engineering inspection activities is the base of insurance policies in EIIC. It ensures the services offered by engineering department are perfect, supervised and efficient. Furthermore, EIIC developed a elaborate evaluation scheme which leverage the quality of checking and validating inspection in engineering department. Field inspectors approach the supervisory inspectors first instead of chief inspector. Aside the efforts, EIIC also employs experienced, highly trained practical engineers and licensed machinery inspectors. In each branch, a special agents is employed to deal with independent agents who have direct communication with the clients. Their multi branches given them the ability to response to customer in one hour maximum. It is the reason for customer to stay with EIIC as it is very dependable. Implied performance objectives Dependability: Experienced and highly trained employees in EIIC delivered a good services in term of quality and dependability. Flexibility and cost: They inspected and insured a wide range of equipment at various coverage. However, time for policies preparation is so long and insured only the machinery equipment is the weaknesses has lowered their competitive advantage in the market compare to other competitors. Redesign the business Short-term solution EIIC need to speed up the writing and submission of insurance policies. They need to shorten the time for each stage in the process. From inspector to  underwriting, the number of inspection requirement need to be cut down specially on smaller policies instead of following the same process as the large policies. Inspectors do not have to inspect whole area of property and industry area but concentrate on the demand of customer inspection. They should have more authority to make decision without having interruption from the managers. Insurances policies need adjustment to remove the unnecessary stage in evaluating level in certain situation. Although it will speed up the process, it will reduce the level of competitive advantage as EIIC lies on the inspections services. Aside from speed up the process, EIIC can increase their profit and competitive advantage by increase the numbers of customer stay with company. In order to archive this goal, they should develop a marketing department or program to sell the service directly to customers in each branch instead of going through independent agents . This way can causing problem as the service policies is not approach to customers directly. Long-term solution A permanent solution for solving the problem of high turnover rate is create a culture within organisation. Employees is treasure resource of the organisation, they should treat them with better employees incentives as increasing the compensation packages and extend the implication to wider range of position within the company from the top to each branch. Certain position as inspectors and underwriter need to be empowered their authority for certain areas to offer them more freedom and independent in making decisions. Therefore the process is more flexibility, faster and could undertake a larger amount of work if it is necessary. Sometimes, this solution can make the workforce become more playful and losing concentrate of working. The organisation need to be restructured as the older one is so obsolete. By this way, the structure can remove a certain unnecessary positions in order to make the company more simple and efficient. In management level, function will be relocated in different way as well as relationship between managerial level. For example, branch managers will have more authority to make decision in activities of inspections instead of taking responsibility for chief directors. Further than that, the supervised control, reporting activities and monitoring need to be reduced from the top head as well as inspiring the communication between departments to  increasing speed of process. There could be risk in restructuring the organisation as it need a long time to take place and considered carefully. It may lead to several destruction in functions and management. Conclusion EIIC was struggling with internal confliction within the workforce, existing structure is inefficient as they are not satisfy employees and customer need. They need to relocate their resourced for better use because it is wasted time and money of company. There are no best strategy for organisation but only the most matched strategy for organisation in certain situation.